Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Tea For Two!

My youngest granddaughter loves having tea.  We frequently have quiet tea parties for two at home. A few weeks back I took her to a local tea room that has opened in our area.  I want to like the place more than I do, but we found the food just ok and I thought it was rather pricey. As we were enjoying our tea my granddaughter said that we could do a better tea at home.  Ha, ha, that's my girl! We decided we needed to have a small tea party, set a date, and invited her best friend.

The day before our tea I made lemon curd, egg salad, and set the table.  I used the china set that had recently been gifted to me by a client. The day of the tea I picked up my granddaughter early in the morning and we got to work in the kitchen.  She loves to help me bake.  We made mini lemon cupcakes, brownies, and madelines for the dessert offering.  We made egg salad sandwiches, PBJ's, and salami/cheese stacks for the savory course.  No tea at Nana's would be complete without scones, so we made a batch that we served with the lemon curd, strawberry jam, and clotted cream.  We were busy, busy!

Baking with a young child is fun, but challenging.  At one point, she spilled powdered sugar on the floor and down the cabinet. Ugh, that was a mess! I'm rather OCD with my house but had to push past the messes and focus on the lessons she was learning.  In the end everything was clean again and we still love each other!

The girls enjoyed their tea.  I was their waitress, so poured their tea and waited on them. My granddaughter requested "tea music" so I found some Disney lullabies on my Alexa that the girls enjoyed. They grinned and chatted the whole time. But, 7 year old girls can only be lady-like for so long.  Soon they were off to swim in the pool and I got left with the clean-up! We will have to further define all that having a tea party consists of! That night I was exhausted so asked my Hubbers to take me to dinner! She has asked to have another tea party, inviting a few more girls.  I'm happy to open my home for such fun events! We are making memories! Too soon, she will have better things to do than hang around with Nana.  I suspect, when I'm old (older?) and feeble, she will be taking Nana out to tea!

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